
No Active Tenders Found

S.No Tender No / Ref No Tender Date Document
1. ISM-16/8/2023-ISM-DIC / GEM/2024/B/5482880
Supply and Installation of Router, Firewall, Switches, Access Points, and Server Rack at the ISM (Tender Reference - ISM-16/8/2023-ISM-DIC Dated - 08-10-2024)- Reg
# Corrigendum/Addendum Date Document
1. Result/Demand generated 12/11/2024 -
2. Notice for Pre bid meeting schedule 11/10/2024
2. ISM-18/2/2022-ISM-DIC-Part (2) / GEM/2024/B/5462500
Supply and Installation of Furniture, Workstation, Equipment and services at the ISM (Tender Reference - ISM-18/2/2022-ISM-DIC-Part (2) Dated - 01-10-2024)- Reg
# Corrigendum/Addendum Date Document
1. Corrigendum (Tender Reference - ISM-18/2/2022-ISM-DIC-Part (2) Dated - 01-10-2024) - reg 09/10/2024
2. Notice for Pre bid meeting schedule 07/10/2024
3. ISM-18/2/2022-ISM-DIC-Part (2) / GEM/2024/B/5313121
Supply & Installation of Furniture- Workstation at ISM Office (BID NO - GEM/2024/B/5313121) - Reg
# Corrigendum/Addendum Date Document
1. Tender Cancelled due to technical reasons 30/09/2024 -
2. Corrigendum - Supply & Installation of Furniture - Workstation at ISM Office (BID NO - GEM/2024/B/5313121) - Reg 03/09/2024
4. ISM-19/1/2022-ISM-DIC / 2024_DIT_817837_1
Engagement of Project Management Consultancy for implementation of Projects under the Semicon India Programme
# Corrigendum/Addendum Date Document
1. Result of the techno-financial bid evaluation 09/10/2024 -
2. Result of Technical Bid Evaluation of ISM-19/1/2022-ISM-DIC 07/10/2024
3. Response to Pre-Bid Queries on RFP_19.08.2024 19/08/2024
4. Pre-bid meeting for Project Management Consultancy for implementation of Projects under the Semicon India Programme 05/08/2024
23/07/2024 -
5. ISM-1912022-ISM-DIC 2023_DIT_781880_1
Engagement of Project Management Consultancy for implementation of Projects under the Semicon India Programme
# Corrigendum/Addendum Date Document
1. Result of Technical Bid Evaluation of ISM-19/1/2022-ISM-DIC 06/02/2024
2. Result of Techno-Financial Bid Evaluation of ISM-19/1/2022-ISM-DIC 08/02/2024
3. Clarification to Response to Queries for RFP for Engagement of Project Management Consultancy for Implementation of Projects under Semicon India Programme 19/12/2023
4. Responses to queries - Engagement of Project Management Consultancy for implementation of Projects under the Semicon India Programme dated November 21, 2023 14/12/2023
5. Pre-Bid Meeting in respect of RFP for Engagement of Project Management Consultancy for implementation of Projects under the Semicon India Programme 08/12/2023
6. ISM-1912022-ISM-DIC 2023_DIT_769688_1
Engagement of Project Management Consultancy for implementation of Projects under the Semicon India Programme
# Corrigendum/Addendum Date Document
1. Cancellation of RFP for Engagement of Project Management Consultancy for implementation of Projects under the Semicon India Programme 14/11/2023
2. Extension of last date for submission of bids-RFP for Engagement of Project Management Consultancy for implementation of Projects under the Semicon India Programme 01/10/2023
3. Corrigendum to RFP for Engagement of Project Management Consultancy for implementation of Projects under the Semicon India Programme 25/09/2023
4. Responses to Queries for Engagement of Project Management Consultancy for implementation of Projects under the Semicon India Programme dated September 01, 2023. 21/09/2023
5. Pre-Bid Meeting in respect of RFP for Engagement of Project Management Consultancy for implementation of Projects under the Semicon India Programme 12/09/2023
7. ISM-19/1/2022-ISM-DIC / 2023_DIT_756945_1
Engagement of Project Management Consultancy for implementation of Projects under the Semicon India Programme
# Corrigendum/Addendum Date Document
1. Corrigendum to RFP for Engagement of Project Management Consultancy for implementation of Projects under the Semicon India Programme 23/06/2023
2. Cancellation of RFP for Engagement of Project Management Consultancy for implementation of Projects under the Semicon India Programme 23/07/2023
3. Corrigendum 3 to RFP for Engagement of Project Management Consultancy for implementation of Projects under the Semicon India Programme 18/07/2023
4. Responses to queries regarding RFP for Engagement of Project Management Consultancy for implementation of Projects under the Semicon India Programme 04/07/2023
5. Corrigendum 2 to RFP for Engagement of Project Management Consultancy for implementation of Projects under the Semicon India Programme 04/07/2023